Compost This!

Which Composter Should You Choose?
December 6, 2008, 1:43 am
Filed under: Compost Bin, Compost Tumbler, composters, Eco-Products


Looking for a composter? Noticed there are more than one type? Which should you choose? Which one is better? Let’s explore…

The search for a composter, both in style and usage, is not limited to just a makeshift box to dump your scraps in. Whether you’re looking for a particular style to match your yard’s decor and/or in search of the best composter that fits your lifestyle, the selections available are more than you might think.

If convenience and ease of use is an important factor to your composting activity, a compost tumbler would probably be the composter for you. The compost tumbler is basically an aerating compost bin. Compost tumblers are designed to be turned, hence the more circular bins and a crank on the side to turn the bin. They’re perfect for those looking to compost more efficiently and without much of the hands-on turning with the garden fork. Four types of compost tumblers are available: crank-operated tumblers, center-axle tumblers, case-rolling drum tumblers, and roll around composters.

Compost bins, while not as exciting nor efficient as a tumbler, are not to be dismissed for their function, which gives the composter a greater flexibility to make compost at their own pace. With the use of a garden fork to turn the pile, composting with a compost bin is the most active way to participate in the activity and closely monitor the process of your compost. Having a bin offers a more deliberate method for those who enjoy composting recreationally.

The determining factor depends solely on how you, as the gardener, prefer to partake in the activity. Your enjoyment in the process can be invariably affected by your choice in composters.

A Heavy Duty Compost Bin
July 25, 2008, 12:01 am
Filed under: Compost Bin, Eco-Products | Tags: , , ,

For those serious about composting, I present to you a nifty find. Labeled “The Terminator Bin,” this heavy duty compost bin looks to be the composter to top all composters. Built with longevity in mind, this composter was constructed to sustain the harshest conditions. It won’t fade, crack, rust, and is pretty much weatherproof. The bin keeps moisture out during rainy days and keeps animals from rummaging through the bin. Removable side panels on the upper and lower side of the bin allows easy access to turn and extract your compost. While most casual gardeners or composters probably won’t require something this great, the effectiveness of this heavy duty composter can be realized by those that require more protection due to outdoor circumstances.